A Muslim leader from Meerut in Uttar Pradesh has announced a bounty of Rs 51 lakh on the head of Naveen, the nephew of Karnataka Congress MLA R Akhanda Srinivas Murthy, for his Facebook post allegedly insulting Prophet Muhammad. The social media post by Naveen had triggered riots in Bengaluru on 11th August, where a Muslim mob had attacked two police stations, injuring several policemen. 3 attackers from the mob were killed in police firing during the incident.
Shahzeb Rizvi from Meerut posted a video message announcing the bounty which has now gone viral on social media. In the video, Rizvi says, he condemns the comments made by the youth in his Facebook post. And whoever beheads Naveen for insulting the Prophet and brings his head will be rewarded with Rs 51 lakh. He also asked members from his community to contribute money for this bounty. Rizvi said the comments of the youth have hurt the sentiments of Muslims, and that’s why he announced the bounty to behead him.
बंगलुरु में कांग्रेस विधायक के भतीजे का सिर कलम करने वाले को 51 लाख का इनाम। उप्र में मेरठ के फलावदा कस्बा निवासी समाजसेवी शाहजेब रिजवी ने घोषणा की। pic.twitter.com/G960zDkN9l
— Sachin Gupta | सचिन गुप्ता (@sachingupta787) August 13, 2020
बंगलुरु विधायक के रिश्तेदार का सिर कलम करने पर 51 लाख इनाम का ऐलान करने वाले शाहजेब रिजवी पूर्व में समाजवादी पार्टी के नेता रहे हैं। जिला पंचायत का चुनाव भी लड़ा। फिलहाल "समाजसेवी" हैं।— Sachin Gupta | सचिन गुप्ता (@sachingupta787) August 13, 2020
According to reports, Shahzeb Rizvi is former politician from Samajwadi Party, although at present he is not associated with the party. He was the state secretary for the minority cell in the party in Uttar Pradesh. He is a resident of Rasulpur village under Phalauda police station in Meerut. After leaving the Samajwadi Party, at present he identifies himself as a ‘social worker’.
After the video surfaced on social media, the SSP of Meerut has ordered a probe into the matter. On the orders of Meerut SSP Ajay Sahini, police have started an investigation, and is expected to register a case soon.