In an angry comeback at Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut, Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut has called her “a mental case” over her controversial “Mumbai is like PoK” remark.
Speaking to India Today TV, Sanjay Raut said, “Kangana Ranaut is a mental case. She is spitting in the plate she eats from. There are some political parties supporting her.”
“Let her go to PoK. The government should fund for her two-day visit to PoK. If the government does not, we are ready to bear the cost for her trip to PoK. Also, our government says that PoK is our part. So, what she is talking about. [Prime Minister Narendra] Modi Saheb has carried out surgical strikes in PoK. So, which side Kangana stands? Is she on the terrorist’s side? What is her mental state?”
The war of words between Sanjay Raut and Kangana Ranaut began on Thursday when BJP MLA Ram Kadam claimed that the Shiv Sena-led Maharashtra government is refusing to provide security to the actor for her outbursts linking actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death to Bollywood-drug mafia.
Kangana Ranaut had responded to Kadam’s comments with a Twitter post saying she is “more scared of Mumbai police now than movie mafia goons” and sought protection from “either from HP government or directly from the Centre”.
“No Mumbai police please,” she wrote on Twitter. Kangana Ranaut is in Himachal Pradesh for the past several weeks taking to social media demanding a probe into the alleged Bollywood-drug mafia angle behind the death of Sushant Singh Rajput. He was found dead in his Mumbai flat on June 14. The Mumbai police said Sushant Singh Rajput died by suicide. Kangana Ranaut has rejected the Mumbai police theory going public with her claims on social media.
Talking to India Today TV, Sanjay Raut objected to the language used by Kangana Ranaut. He said, “The language this woman uses we will not use. We respect women. And we will see… She has insulted Maharashtra and the Mumbai police. If she is bringing security from Himachal Pradesh police, let her bring, it is their responsibility. We never had personal enmity with her. Nobody should talk in such a way.”
Sanjay Raut said the Union home minister should take action against Kangana Ranaut for saying such things about Mumbai police.
He said, “The city where you live, gave you fame, you are talking about police who have sacrificed lives. They caught [26/11 attacker Ajmal] Kasab alive, handled the 1992 riots and even now actively participating in the war against coronavirus. Cops have lost lives. Kya unko ye sab bolna shobha deta [Is it appropriate for her to speak in this manner]?”
Sanjay Raut dismissed the charge that he has threatened Kangana Ranaut. He said, “We don’t give threats. We don’t fire in air. Let her come on September 9. Why are you so much interested?”
On Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case, the Shiv Sena leader said the CBI is doing an investigation. “Let them do their job,” he said.
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