Stop Boosting Posts with Facebook Ads

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Facebook ads are a good way of reaching out to new leads and they are totally worth it when you are targeting the right people and making good use of your allocated budget. If you are not using the right tactics to reach your target audience, you won’t get anything good for your business and your ad budget will be wasted. 

Facebook Boost button, the one right below your post, is a favorite thing of businesses who are keen to do social media promotions on their own. It is an attractive option when you are not getting enough likes and views on your post but it doesn’t do any good in bringing a lot of new customers to you. 

Let’s see why you should avoid using the Facebook boost button. 

Why Not Use the Facebook Boost Button?

  1. You will get Limited Options to Target Audience 

It is not at all worthy if you are showing your ads to the wrong group of people. You need to target the right audience to make them your prospective customers. 

With Facebook boost, you won’t be able to target the right audience. Your ads will be shown to the people who like your page and their group of friends. That is not enough and it doesn’t narrow down to the right people who would love to purchase your products and services. 

  • You Won’t be able to Split Test Your Campaign

You don’t have the option to split test your ad while boosting. It is highly important to split test your ad in order to know which parts of your ad are working well and which elements need to be changed/replaced/moved. You can improve your ad a lot seeing the split test analysis results. 

When you split test your ad, you will come to know the areas where you need to improve your ad so that it can bring better results to you. This will ensure a better performance of your campaign and convert more and more people from leads to customers. 

  • It Can Bring You More Likes But Not More Customers

The boost option can certainly bring more engagement and more likes, shares and comments on your post but that is not worthy if you are not getting new customers. There are pretty low chances of any of the boost post viewers getting converted to a prospective customer. This won’t increase your sales anyhow and if it does, it will be by a very low fraction. This is certainly not what you want, right?

Are you looking for an Efficient Digital marketing agency?

Find out Facebook ads and explore the digital marketing services they provide. You can connect with them and discuss your Facebook ad campaigning needs. They will help you stop wasting your funds on Facebook boosts and rather create effective facebook marketing strategies to target the right audience. 

This will help you allocate the right budget on your Facebook ads and make the most out of it. Don’t wait, talk to them and craft some out-of-the-box your Facebook campaigns today!

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