US warns Chinese media, stop making private disclosures about diplomats in Hong Kong

US warns Chinese media Julie Eadeh
Image Source: REUTERS

The US on Friday warned China-backed media about personal disclosures about the US diplomat in Hong Kong and demanded its closure. Significantly, American diplomats here met with pro-democracy activists in the past. A newspaper then disclosed personal information about him. The US has called for its closure, calling it dangerous.
US State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus said on Twitter,
“The official Chinese media report on our diplomat in Hong Kong is not only irresponsible but also dangerous. It should stop.”

In Hong Kong, the pro-Beijing newspaper Ta Kung Pao reported that the head of the US Consulate here, Julie Eadeh, met with members of the political party Demosisto, in which Prominent democracy activist Joshua Wong was also involved. It shared Julie’s career as well as the names of her family members.

Beijing has called anti-government protests in the semi-autonomous region of Hong Kong funded by the West, although it has not provided any concrete evidence, except for statements by some Western politicians about it. “Chinese officials are fully aware,” said Ortagus, “our diplomats are doing their job like diplomats from another country.” In the US, foreign diplomats, including Chinese, get an exemption in American politics, education, and business.

On Thursday, China demanded that US diplomats based in Hong Kong stop interfering in its affairs. The Chinese Foreign Ministry, in a statement, urged the US diplomatic office in Hong Kong not to liaise with various anti-China rioters and stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs. Significantly, tensions have increased in China after two months of protests and conflicts. The protest began with the extradition law which later developed into a widespread movement for democratic reforms.

Sahil Kashyap, a dynamic entrepreneur and the brilliant mind behind THN News, a leading online news media company that covers a diverse range of topics, including Tech, Business, Marketing, Sport, Health, and Entertainment. With a strong background in digital marketing, Sahil Kashyap is not only the founder of THN News but also an accomplished author, having penned two insightful books: 'How to Build a Startup' and 'The Myths of Digital Marketing.' His expertise as a digital marketing strategist has been instrumental in the success of THN News, making it a go-to source for reliable and up-to-date information across various industries.