Someone really wise once said, Love makes you do crazy things, and this indeed is true. Imagine you do something huge for the person you love in order to save their life and they turn you down when you express your love. This will shatter your heart in a million pieces, right? Well, but this brave man named Simon Louis still had the courage to smile even after going through the exact scenario. Simon Louis donates kidney to the woman he loves to save her life, and later when he proposed her for marriage, she rejects him because she didn’t want to ruin the friendship.
It all started when Simon Louis and Mary Emmanuelle met for the first time in the mid-90s in a club in London. The two really hit it off and also shared a kiss then. But nothing really happened later and they just remained friends. Simon was already crushing on Mary and would eventually send her chocolates and roses which she accepted only as friends. Mary was busy taking care of her 8-year-old son Dwayne back then and didn’t have time for anything else.

Years later, Mary collapsed at her home. This was discovered by her son who was 21-years old at that time. She was immediately taken to the hospital and later the news came that she is suffering from end-stage kidney disease and only a kidney transplant will be able to save her. But the bad news was her rare blood time, B-negative which is really hard to find.

Then Simon Louis came to the rescue and suggested to get tested to find his eligibility as a donor. Fortunately, it was a match. He donates kidney to her and they both underwent surgery and successfully completed the procedure of Kidney transplant. Shortly after this, Louis proposed her to marry him. But sadly Mary rejected his marriage proposal because she just thinks of him as a friend.

Despite the thing that she rejected his proposal, Louis says he doesn’t regret a thing. He said, “I offered her my heart but I had to settle for giving her my kidney. Whatever happens, I’ll never regret giving her the gift of life.”