How to hide Stories from someone on Facebook

How to hide Stories from someone on Facebook

Facebook Stories are one of the most used resources through this social network’s app. Also present on Instagram with the same name, they allow us to share photos and videos for 24 hours before they disappear.

They are fun ways to express ourselves, but if you want to hide the Stories from some contacts on Facebook you can also do it. It is possible to define who sees, and who does not see what you share on Facebook Stories, as you can see next.

Control who sees your Stories on the Facebook app

  • Start by opening the Facebook app – on Android or iOS
  • Access the Options menu – 3 horizontal lines in the upper right corner (figure 1)
  • Access the Options menu – slide to Settings and privacy
  • Tap the Settings and Privacy menu – expandable menu
  • In the options that are presented – tap on Settings (figure 2)
  • Slide to the Privacy section in the new window
  • When you find the Privacy section, tap on Privacy settings (figure 3)
  • In the new window, under Privacy Shortcuts, find the section Your activity
  • In the section, Your activity finds Who can see your stories
  • Tap the option Who can see your stories (figure 4)

Figure 5: options available for the presentation of Facebook stories.

  • Defines the desired privacy profile among the available options
  • You can also take advantage of “Other settings” with user-silenced stories

From figure 5 we have the options that let us hide the stories for some Facebook contacts. Alternatively, we can make the Stories public, or visible to all friends/contacts on this social network, available for 24 hours.

If necessary, to hide someone’s story you just have to select the contact from the list of friends that is displayed by touching the option ” Hide the story for someone “. That person will no longer see what you post on Stories.

Alternatively, tap on the ” Custom ” menu where you can define the group of people who will see your Stories on Facebook and Messenger. They are complementary forms of control provided by the platform to users for careful management of what they disclose through the application.

So, the next time you share something on Facebook Stories, you’ll know exactly who sees it and who doesn’t. For more such tips follow THN News

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