New Delhi: In Maharashtra, the rhetoric has intensified amid the political talk between Shiv Sena and BJP. On Friday, BJP leader Sudhir Mungantiwar had talked about imposing President’s rule in the state, in response to his remarks, the Shiv Sena has now compared the BJP to the Mughals. Shiv Sena has said that do not threaten us to impose President’s rule, we also know the law. The President is not in anyone’s pocket. His saying is like a decree of the Mughals.
On Friday, BJP leader and state finance minister Sudhir Mungantiwar had said that the state could impose President’s rule if the government is not formed before November 7. The current term of the Government of Maharashtra expires on 8 November.
Responding to Mungantiwar in this statement, Shiv Sena in his mouthpiece Saamna called his statement “threatening statement”, “unconstitutional” and “against democracy” and compared the BJP to “Mughals”. The party said, “Do not threaten to impose President’s rule in Maharashtra. We know the law, constitution, and parliamentary traditions. The President is the supreme constitution institution. She is not in anyone’s pocket. ”
It was further written in Saamana, “Threatening imposition of President’s rule after failure on government formation is like a decree of the Mughals … Law and Constitution are not slaves to anyone.” We are not responsible for the current state of politics and the people of Maharashtra know this, ”. The President’s stamp appears to have been kept in the BJP office and will be used as per the convenience of the party, the Shiv Sena said, adding that the statement of Mugantiwar reflects the BJP’s ‘evil intentions’.
Explain that the BJP-Shiv Sena alliance won an absolute majority in the Maharashtra assembly elections in which the BJP identified as the single largest party with 105 seats. Shiv Sena won 56 seats in the election. After the elections, the Shiv Sena is adamant on implementing the 50:50 formula proposed by the BJP during the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. That is, in the first two and a half years of the tenure of the Legislative Assembly, the BJP should have the Chief Minister of the Shiv Sena in the second and half years and the number of ministers in the Assembly should also be equal.