Starting With Your First Blog? 30 Days To Entrepreneurship

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Image: Representative

Seeing how the influencers are rising to the limelight, it is not hard to believe that we all want to quit our job and start something of our own.

However, not every one of us is a fan of the camera!

Some of us just wish to do things the old way, where we sit in front of our desktops and write away. At the same time, the readers love the work but have no face behind it. Yes, you can be internet famous without having to pose in front of the camera.

Plus, if you do the blogging business right, you might start earning from it soon enough. Yes, as of now, they all seem very good to be true, but all you need is a plan. A solid plan of thirty days to launch your first blog and start working on it.

What Is A Blog?

A log is a website where one can write about anything. The preferred niche depends on what comes to you naturally. In the past, we have seen many use their blogs as anonymous personal journals, and they blow up. Some of the common niches which you can try are. 

– Travel.

– Technology.

– Health.

– Spiritual.

– Fashion.

– Business.


Many more!

If you are planning to make a full-time professional blog page, you will need software to help you as well. Download it for free from pirate bay.

30-Day Challenge To Start Your First Blog

Here is a thirty-day challenge to start your first blog. This will give you a much more intensive plan and prevent you from procrastinating or straying away.

1. Thoroughly research everything and pick a niche. It doesn’t have to be original, but something which you can make unique.2. This day is all for your website building. If you are lost, then take help.3. Pick a domain name and then see whether you can get the domain.  4. Design a rough layout for your website. Then discuss it with the web designer. 5. Start social media for your blog pages. Try to make people excited before you post. 
6. Have a day of brainstorming. This will help you clear the brain fog. 7. Today you simply go through some of the niche gurus, and see how they maintain the blog. 8. Watch movies and series which can give you a jolt of motivation and inspiration. 9. Write down all the blog ideas which come to your mind. 10. Go through design ideas for your website & shortlist a few. 
11. The eleventh day is for technical research, and this will include SEO, and how to get traffic for your blog. 12. Put down the top five goals which you plan to achieve in the next five years with this blog. 13. Start surveying and asking potential readers what they would be expecting. 14. Start collecting pictures for the purpose of ornamentation.15. Research all about google adsense and how it can help you make money initially. 
16. Start writing blogs, you do not have to publish them. Make others read it. 17. Today you start learning all about publishing. 18. Write down the strategy, if you plan to start earning from the 19. Research and download softwares which will help you write and manage your blog better.20. Read books about successful entrepreneurs thriving in digital marketing. 
21. Start planning more travels if your blog is a travel blog. 22. Go out to collect more live experiences to write about. 23. Research about video and animation marketing, since they can skyrocket your blogs. 24. Make a vision board with the goals and dreams as a full time blogger. 25. Start writing your web content.
26. Optimize your website and prepare it for posting. 27. Get back to social media and get your followers excited about the launch. 28. Start writing blogs and keep them in draft. 29. Launch your website and start publishing your blogs every hour. 30. Initially you will have to publish almost everyday. Start scheduling writing and editing. 

To Warp It!

Starting your own blog might sound like a hobby at the moment, and some might even be skeptical to make it a full-time job. However, with elements like ad sense, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, guest posting, and link building all put together, you can start earning enough to sustain a lifestyle.

For that, you need to build a healthy blogging website. Begin today!