“Not me, Umar Khalid planned to kill as many Hindus in Delhi as possible on 8th January,” Tahir Hussain confesses

Umer Khalid planned to kill as many Hindus in Delhi

A charge sheet filed by the Delhi police in connection with the anti-Hindu riots in Delhi mentions the confessions made by ex-AAP councillor Tahir Hussain, Khalid Saifi and ‘JNU scholar’ Umar Khalid.

These confessions clearly show the Islamist conspiracy and funding behind the Delhi riots. As per the chargesheet, Tahir Hussain mentions that he is part of the ‘United Against Hate’ group and through it, he is connected to Khalid Saifi and Umar Khalid.

As per the confession, Saifi told him that they will orchestrate “huge riots” which will destabilise the government and therefore, he should keep men ready at his locality, reported India TV.

On the 8th of January, Saifi introduced him to Umar Khalid at Shaheen Bagh. “Umar said until we orchestrate a Badha Dhamaka (huge explosion), the central government will not be destabilized. We remained silent over 370 (the abrogation of Article 370) and Ram Mandir but we will ensure that the CAA is repealed. The government will not bend its knee unless we do a Badha Dhamaka.”

“For this, no matter how many fires must be lit across the country, the government suffers a loss of face abroad, how many houses must be burnt, how many Hindus must be killed, we will do it,” the confession continued.

Umar Khalid in his confession said that on the 16th-17th of February, they came to the conclusion that riots are the only way to build pressure on the government and to ensure the repeal of CAA. “For this I told people to hoard stones, petrol, acid, and weapons to be used when necessary. Then I attended demonstrations at 23-24 places in Delhi, I went to Amravati in Maharashtra as well where I said during US President Donald Trump’s official visit on 24th February, we will take to the streets and create pressure on the government by demonstrating our strength,” his confession says.

It continued, “As per this plan, during Trump’s visit, protests were organised at numerous places and riots were started. Before long, the riots spread to numerous places in North-East Delhi. That is how we orchestrated riots in Delhi.”

Tahir Hussain also says that he was told by Umar Khalid to not worry about money. ‘Friends in Delhi’ and the PFI were arranging the money. “You just prepare for the riots, gather men for the riots, buy materials for the riots, don’t worry about the money. Khalid will ensure that you receive the money,” Umar Khalid told Tahir Hussain as per the latter’s confession.

Tahir Hussain also talked about the money he had given to one Gulfaam. Gulfaam used the money to buy cartridges for guns and other materials. Khalid Saifi also told Tahir Hussain that Umar Khalid has informed that riots will be started ‘this month’ itself when Trump arrived for a visit after confirming that the former AAP Councilor was ready in his preparation.

Khalid Saifi also said that Umar Khalid told him that Islam was under threat under the current ruling dispensation. Saifi’s confession reveals that they were fully aware that blocking roads will lead to arguments which could then be used to fuel riots. He said that the roads were blocked during Trump’s visit and when people suffered problems as a consequence, the fights started.

On the 24th, when he spoke to Tahir Hussain, Saifi was informed that according to plan, rioting had started and Hindu houses had been set on fire. All of this was mentioned in the chargesheet filed by the Crime Branch of the Delhi Police at the Karkardooma Court and as per IndiaTV, the Court has taken cognizance of it.

Tahir Hussain, Umar Khalid and Khalid Saifi are accused of involvement in the Delhi Riots and they are currently in prison awaiting their trial. Numerous lives were lost in the rioting that ensued in the month of February in 2020.

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