Slamming the media coverage of actor Sushant Sigh Rajput’s case, Bollywood actress Swara Bhasker today said that even Ajmal Kasab was not subjected to the kind of “witch-hunt” on media that Rhea Chakraborty is being subjected to.
Ajmal Kasab, the terrorist involved in Mumbai terrorist attacks of 2008, was hanged on 21 November 2012 at Yerwada Jail in Pune.
Swara took to Twitter and wrote, “I don’t think even #Kasab was subjected to the kind of witch-hunt on media.. & media trial that #RheaChakrobarty is being subjected to! Shame on Indian Media. Shame on us for being a toxic voyeuristic public consuming this poisonous hysteria..#RheaDrugChat #SushantSinghRajput (sick).”
I don’t think even #Kasab was subjected to the kind of witch-hunt on media.. & media trial that #RheaChakrobarty is being subjected to! Shame on Indian Media.. Shame on us for being a toxic voyueristic public consuming this poisonous hysteria.. #RheaDrugChat #SushantSinghRajput
— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) August 26, 2020
Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput died at his home in Bandra, Mumbai in June 2020, at age 34. Since his death, the probe of the case has seen many developments. The case later went to the Central Bureau of Investigation.
On August 11, actress Rhea Chakraborty, who is alleged to be one of the prime accused in abetting the death of Sushant, told the Supre Court that she has been the victim of a “media trial”, with a section of media continuously invading her privacy and levelling allegations against her.
Rhea also said that the issue is being blown out of proportion by the media. “Media channels are examining and cross-examining all the witnesses in the case. The petitioner has already been convicted by the media even before foul play could be established behind Sushant’s death.
Extreme trauma and infringement of privacy of the rights of the petitioner are being caused due to constant sensationalization of the case,” said the affidavit. Rhea also told the apex court that she should be protected, and not made a scapegoat of political agenda.
This is a shocking comment made by Bollywood actress, Swara Bhasker and a lot of people might not be able to digest it.
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