Chandrayaan-2 to enter Moon orbit on Tuesday 29 days after its launching, Chandrayaan-2 will enter the Moon’s orbit tomorrow i.e. Tuesday at 9.30 am. Chandrayaan-2 will land on the moon on September 7, before the Indian Space Research Organization, ISRO) will prove to be a milestone. Chandrayaan-2 was launched from rocket Bahubali from Sriharikota Launch Center on 22 July.

The speed of the vehicle will have to be reduced. Isro chairman K Sivan said that Chandrayaan-2 will undergo a rigorous ordeal as it enters the lunar orbit at 9:30 am on Tuesday. Upon entering the lunar field, the speed of the spacecraft will have to be reduced to make it reach under the influence of gravity. For this, the onboard propulsion system of Chandrayaan-2 will be fired for a while. During this time all the commands should be very precise and rigorous. According to scientists, even a small lapse can make the vehicle uncontrolled.

If the process of change in orbit will start once again, according to ISRO scientists, Chandrayaan-2 will continue to revolve in the orbit of the Moon till 31 August after entering the lunar orbit. During this time, once again the process of class change will begin. According to ISRO, four changes will be made to the orbit to bring the vehicle to the nearest orbit of the moon. In this way, crossing all obstacles, it will land on the moon’s south pole on September 7, in which no man-made vehicle has landed yet.

Chandrayaan-2 Appeal Stay connected with me for every update. In the past, Chandrayaan-2 sent a message about his good health and excellent journey on earth. The message sent by the vehicle said, “Hello! I am Chandrayaan-2, with special updates. I would like to tell you that my journey so far has been fantastic. Stay connected with me to know where I am and what I am doing. ‘ Launched on 22 July, Chandrayaan-2 has gone through many changes so far. The sixth change was made on 14 August.
The orbiter’s Chandrayaan-2 has three parts – Orbiter, Lander ‘Vikram’ and Rover ‘Pragya’. The lander and rover will descend on the surface of the moon to form part of the experiment, while the orbiter will carry out research by orbiting the moon for almost a year. However, ISRO officials say that the life span of Chandrayaan-2 orbiter can be extended by one year. According to the scientists associated with the mission Chandrayaan-2, worth about Rs 978 crore, the orbiter should have 290.2 kg of fuel at the end after all changes in orbit so that it can hit the moon. There is so much fuel now that it can be circled in the Moon’s orbit for two years. However, everything will depend on the circumstances.