A grand temple of ‘Ram Lala’ to be built in Ayodhya, Supreme Court declares supreme decision

Ram Mandir Verdict of the Supreme Court
Image Source: Inkhabar

After a long wait, the decision of the Supreme Court has come today on the Ayodhya case. According to the Supreme Court, the disputed land of Ayodhya has come in the part of ‘Ram Lala’. Along with this, the Supreme Court has ordered the Central Government to provide 5 acres of land for construction of a mosque to the Sunni Waqf Board at another place. Along with this, the Supreme Court has ordered the central government to prepare the outline of the temple construction work in the next three months. Apart from this, the Central Government has also received orders from the Supreme Court to form a trust for this matter. This trust will monitor the construction work of this temple. On the other hand, when talking about the resourced side of the matter, the Nirmohi Akhara, the Supreme Court has ordered that the Trust Board should have the opportunity to make a proper representation to the Nirmoha Akhara in its scheme. The Supreme Court has given these orders under Article 142.

The Supreme Court said in its ruling that the Muslim side has failed to prove its claim on the Ayodhya land. At the same time, it was also mentioned that the huge structure that SSI has got under that disputed dome is not Islamic. The court also emphasized that no one can be given ownership on the basis of faith only, it will be decided on the basis of law. On the basis of the ASI report, the Supreme Court says that no concrete evidence has been found that the mosque was built by breaking the temple.

If we summarize the final verdict, then the disputed land of Ayodhya comes in favor of Ram Lala, while the central government will give 5 acres of land to the Muslim side i.e. Sunni Waqf Board to build a mosque.

Sahil Kashyap, a dynamic entrepreneur and the brilliant mind behind THN News, a leading online news media company that covers a diverse range of topics, including Tech, Business, Marketing, Sport, Health, and Entertainment. With a strong background in digital marketing, Sahil Kashyap is not only the founder of THN News but also an accomplished author, having penned two insightful books: 'How to Build a Startup' and 'The Myths of Digital Marketing.' His expertise as a digital marketing strategist has been instrumental in the success of THN News, making it a go-to source for reliable and up-to-date information across various industries.