4 Easy Steps to Keep an Aging Loved One Safe and Healthy

Nupur Gupta - Nupurna Yoga

It may seem like elderly people have never had it so good. Healthcare is advanced and can help to manage serious conditions well, there are plenty of options for senior housing and care, and the senior population is growing more rapidly than any age group.

However, this doesn’t mean that all of these seniors are healthy or in great shape.

The reality is that many adults over the age of 65 will experience a health issue at some point, with around 1 in 3 people over the age of 85 suffering from some form of disability.

What’s more, many seniors live alone without any support at all. This can put them in danger because they do not have anyone there to notice if they have an injury or problem that may require emergency medical treatment or a trip to the hospital.

Keeping an Aging Loved One Safe & Healthy in Their Home

If you have a loved one who is entering their golden years, you may be in the position of wondering how you can help them stay healthy and safe in the home.

With an aging loved one, the most important thing you can do is to make sure that you can monitor them and ensure that they remain as healthy as possible. This involves some different steps listed below.

Step 1: Check your loved one’s home regularly

This includes checking the utilities, making sure that no unwanted guests are coming in and out of the house, locating emergency exits, and finding anything that could be hazardous in case of an emergency

If you are considering elderly home care to help with your loved one, make sure you have an agreed-upon care plan in place to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Step 2: Keep your loved one in mind for future health concerns to check for yourself

Taking care of the older person demonstrates love.

An elderly person may not want their loved ones to confront terminal illness or discuss end-of-life issues until it is needed.

So, try to take good care of yourself first so you will have the energy and motivation to help when it counts.

Step 3: Monitor their diet

It is quite common for people to gain weight as they age, so it is important to make sure that your loved one’s diet is both balanced and healthy.

This means that they should try and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables while limiting the number of fatty foodstuffs that they have around their home.

Step 4: Check their diet if they are living with them

It may be that your loved one is living with you, and in this instance, you should make sure that they have a balanced diet and that they eat well.

However, don’t be offended if they refuse to eat. Sometimes it is just the routine of eating together that makes people feel at home. So, keep offering food to them regularly but don’t push the issue if they are not hungry.