How Can Digital Marketing Help the Shoe Market?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Media Advertising

Every hour, millions of people worldwide search for their perfect fit, ensuring that global premium footwear brands have plenty of opportunities to tap into. With the rising competition in the shoe market, it is crucial for every brand to gear up and plan its strategies. Amidst all, the most effective strategy is to go online to boost up the sales!

There are several reasons for the boom in sales of luxury footwear, including the mindset of the millennials with a passion (or an undeniable obsession) for the product. Therefore, many high-end footwear brands target both casual and luxury shoppers due to the growing demand for luxury shoes among millennials worldwide.

Among the shoe marketing campaigns that made headlines were Adidas, Nike, and Zappos. Despite not having the same budget as these brands, it is still possible for you to grow and remain competitive by thinking outside of the box. The Nike brand, for example, focuses on storytelling that inspires. In contrast, several others stand out as a brand filled with innovation, while several people know Zappos for offering highly personalised customer service. Consequently, when creating digital marketing strategies for footwear, you need to be aware of the following things. They include:

  • Tell The Stories Before Selling Them

For footwear marketing, developing a brand story is the most cost-effective process. Here, work harder than the money you have. The foundation of effective online marketing for footwear brands comprises emphasising the benefits of your products, explaining their advent and the way they came to be, and providing reasons to stay. Don’t forget to describe how your brand represents premium quality, pride, trust, and exclusivity.

Further, a positive impact on society only increases the brand’s popularity. 27% of respondents in a study who were asked if they purchased because of the social mission of a brand, answered yes. Nearly 40% of millennials fell into that category.

  • Use Video Marketing

Video content has become an increasingly popular way to educate, inspire, and engage consumers in shoe marketing campaigns. You can watch hundreds of videos on YouTube channels concerning athletes overcoming adversity and achieving greatness. Video content also helps the brand explain the technology behind its products and helps its customers live a healthier lifestyle.

A video marketing campaign can increase engagement, raise awareness, and generate leads. Besides extending your reach and adding value to your customers, it is also cost-effective. Shoe retailers can use the trends to answer questions and describe their products to their customers.

  • Make Your Website Look Amazing

A luxury brand’s website should look great. Functionality is equally important, of course. But, a luxury brand’s website must not be just well-designed and provide the best possible user experience, but it must also have a ‘wow’ appeal to it! This will make shopping more exciting and encourage shoppers to take the next step, that is, go from ‘Add to Cart’ to ‘Buy Now’.

  • Social Networks With A Visual Bent Are Worth Your Trust.

The primary step to market luxury products is to put up good pictures of the product up-close. Thousands of images are used for online marketing every day, and no marketing campaign can be successful without visual content. Upon looking at the product and its experience, the customer can see how much more enriching their life will be when they own it. Let users experience what it would be like to step out in perfect luxury leather shoes, promoting their confidence and comfort. Create a picture that makes the shopper feel as if they belong there.

  • Using Social Media To Captivate Your Audience

Social media marketing generates significant traffic for your website because of the targeted segmentation that it provides. It is possible to break down a large market into smaller groups via segmentation. What makes things interesting is that you can target people based on their location, job titles, music preferences, and more. When each segment has access to relevant content, it is easier to influence their purchase decision.

  • Improve The Customer Experience

Many top brands, such as Nike, Adidas, Apple, and so on, use customer data to personalise their offers and marketing messages. Customers can also personalise their Adidas shoes by adding a name or nickname. They can even create customised footwear using the latest technologies.

According to Epsilon, about 80 per cent of consumers are more likely to buy from brands that offer customised experiences. Footwear retailers and manufacturers can tailor every stage of the customer journey. In addition, they may use geolocation data to increase foot traffic, send personalised emails, or provide customised product recommendations.

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