Former XXX porn superstar, Mia Khalifa’s breast got hit by a hockey puck last year at the Capitals/Lightning playoff game on the left breast and the incident left the PornHub queen with deflated boobs and series of surgeries to get it fixed. Khalifa’s injury had her breast tear up and required quite a lot of attention and intensive care. However, throughout the journey, Mia Khalifa was quite transparent about the whole scenario like she has always been with her fans. Mia Khalifa kept sharing glimpses of her recovery and how her fiance Robert Sandberg stood by her side like a rock!
The sexy XXX pornstar turned American sports show presenter is now back on track thanks to her doctor, Dr Jay Calvert who fixed her boobs. Mila Khalifa’s boobs are now back to how they were before, but it took a village to get it done. A lot of time, perseverance, care, and craftsmanship went into getting XXX pornstar Mia Khalifa’s injury recovered. Mia Khalifa, Former XXX Porn Star, Shares Glimpse of Her Recovery After Ice Hockey Puck Deflated Her Boobs; View Pics.
Mia Khalifa underwent a breast reconstructive surgery done by a certified plastic surgeon from the Beverly Hills, Dr Jay Calvert. Mia Khalifa being the open person that she is, made a whole video documenting her journey and shared it with her fans on YouTube and Instagram. On Instagram, she gave a bit of a back story, penning down the incident and how she is very transparent with her fans. She started off with: “You can say anything you want about me and my decisions, but one thing that no one can argue is my transparency on social media. I don’t hide behind filters or make things out to be better than they are. Sometimes things are ugly, and bloody, and boring, and covered in hormonal breakouts, but that is life and I will always embrace it.”
Mia Khalifa went on explaining what all went into her recovery: “This was my decision behind sharing my surgery journey with @drjaycalvert, I could go on and on about what he did to fix my hockey puck breast injury, but i won’t because I could never be as eloquent as he is, just watch the video for yourself.”
She also shared a fair warning along with the video. The warning goes: “WARNING: Extremely graphic, and not for the faint of heart. We shared as much of the actual surgery as YouTube terms and conditions would allow.”
In conclusion, she thanked the whole team who helped her recover, Mia Khalifa concluded her Instagram post with: “I just want to say a quick thank you to @drjaycalvert and his team at @roxspanb and especially @jolene_aesthetics_roxspa for making my recovery so easy, checking in with me every day, and welcoming me with smiles and laughs whenever I came into the office You guys embody “teamwork,” thank you so much for everything you did for me. And thank you to my caretakers: @jerfsolo, @robertsandberg, and @katarina.sophie. I’m sorry for the things I said when I was on Oxy and hadn’t pooped in 6 days. I love y’all.”
Take a look at Mia Khalifa’s Hot Photos: