UFC 264: Conor McGregor loses to Dustin Poirier after freak leg break

Conor McGregor leg break
Image: UFC

UFC 264 has just concluded in strange, shocking fashion. Conor McGregor, after struggling in a round he lost to Dustin Poirier, suffered what appears to be a freak broken leg as he rolled over his ankle while throwing a punch in the dying seconds of the opening round.

Find our blow-by-blow account of each fight below.

Dustin Poirier vs. Conor McGregor

The stakes are high for Conor McGregor in this trilogy fight against Dustin Poirier.Jeff Bottari/Zuffa LLC via Getty Images

It’s here. The big one. The stakes for this fight seem incredibly high for McGregor, but they always do. Every single fight.

As I mentioned above, it’s almost impossible to call this fight. I’m picking McGregor because he appeared to be winning the last fight until he wasn’t. But honestly, it could go the exact same way as the last fight. 

Got the butterflies for this one. Let’s go.

Round 1

Man this is intense. McGregor looks amped, the opposite of relaxed, which is when he does his best work. Let’s see how this plays out.

McGregor coming out leg kick heavy. The fight is being fought at a furious pace. Poirier somehow clips McGregor and takes it to the ground after McGregor attempts a guillotine choke. After a barrage of ground and pound the fight goes back to the feet and after an exchange McGregor rolls his ankle


And it looks as though he’s broken his ankle? The doctor calls it. The fight is over.

Wow. What a strange ending.

McGregor is furious. He’s screaming “Doctor’s stoppage”. 

Regardless of the result, McGregor was losing this fight comprehensively. It was called a doctor’s stoppage in the end. Afterwards, Joe Rogan conducted an interview with McGregor as he was getting his leg attended to. He claimed this was “not over”. But realistically, it’s hard to tell when McGregor will be back — if he’ll be back. Poirier made reference to karma playing a part here, given how low McGregor stooped in the lead up. 

There was a real poisonous atmosphere to this whole scene. Reminded me a lot of the Khabib vs. McGregor fight. Left a bad taste in my mouth. 

Dustin Poirier wins via doctor’s stoppage

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