Pakistan launches 200 rockets on Afghanistan border in two days

Pakistan launches rockets on Afghanistan - THN
Image Source: Mehr News

Pakistan’s neighboring countries are troubled by its nefarious activities on the border. There is firing on the border on the day of Pakistan. Due to his actions, he is seen to be surrounded by the United Nations (UN). Afghanistan has complained to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) about this.

Afghanistan wrote a letter to the United Nations on 22 August. In this letter, he has strongly condemned the military violations on behalf of Pakistan and appealed to take appropriate action.

More than 200 rockets fired: For the past decade, the war-torn country has accused the Pakistan Army of firing more than 200 rockets on the cities of Kunar province between 19 and 20 August. Afghanistan says that despite repeated appeals, there is shelling from Pakistan. There is a need to take immediate action against it.

Pakistan fails to comply with United Nations obligations

This letter written on behalf of the Afghanistan Mission states that Pakistan has failed to comply with its obligations under the principles of United Nations Charter. Afghanistan condemns this harshly. Pakistan is also not following international laws and international humanitarian law. Along with this, the letter also demanded from the Security Council to take necessary steps against continuous infiltration on the border from Pakistan.

Forced construction work done by Pakistan Army,

Afghanistan has also alleged that the Pakistani Army is forcibly constructing work on the land falling in the territory of Afghanistan in the eastern parts of the country. Barriers are being built in this area by the Pak Army. In addition, Pakistani military aircraft are entering the territory of Afghanistan without permission.

Panic in local people,

Afghanistan has mentioned in this letter that on 19 and 20 August, there was heavy firing on the Kunar area from Pakistan. Due to this, there was a lot of loss of property and the locals came in panic. It has also been written that the Pakistani army shells into Afghan territory the day it arrives. Afghanistan has requested UNAC to rein in this action of Pakistan.